My academic journey led me to the joyous accomplishment of a Ph.D.
from the Department of Computer Science and Information Engineering at National Cheng Kung University (NCKU), Taiwan, ROC in June 2023,
under the mentorship of the inspiring Chair Professor Tong-Yee Lee.
His guidance reshaped my view of the Ph.D. as not just a degree, but a captivating expedition filled with moments of perseverance and,
yes, even a few tears .
I've been working as a Postdoctoral fellow and a core member of the warm-hearted Computer
Graphics Group in the Visual System Laboratory at National Cheng-Kung University, Taiwan
and is currently a lecturer at the School of Computer Science and Engineering, International University, VNU-HCM, Vietnam.
I have extensive experience in developing state-of-the-art AI algorithms for image synthesis, rendering, and animation.
I am the the (co)author of many scientific articles, which have been published in top-tier conferences and journals (IEEE, ACM, SIGGRAPH).
Besides, I have received numerous awards for my outstanding contributions to the field.
You're invited to explore the intricate details and impact of each publication through the PUBLICATIONS tab.
As I navigate the realms of academia and technology, I'm genuinely excited about the collaborative and welcoming spirit that defines this vibrant intersection.
Deep learning in Computer Graphics, Visualization, and Multimedia Generation.
And, ... certainly, applying deep learning in other fields
also falls in my circle of interest.
SIGGRAPH ASIA, Brisbane, Australia. Animation Video Resequencing with a Convolutional AutoEncoder. Presenter. 11/2019
SIGGRAPH ASIA, Tokyo, Japan. Optimized binarization for eggshell carving art. Presenter. 12/2021
Computer Graphics Workshop 2022. Generating wire sculpture art from 3D model. Presenter. 7/2022
Computer Graphics Workshop 2022. Generating wire sculpture art from 3D model. Presenter. 7/2022
Computer Graphics Workshop 2023. Structure-aware video style transfer with map art. Presenter. 7/2023
IEEE VIS 2023, Melbourne, Australia. Image Collage on Arbitrary Shape via Shape Partitioning and Optimization. Author. 10/2023
IEEE Transaction on Visualization and Computer Graphics Reviewer. 9/2023
Full Elite scholarship for doctoral program.
Ministry of Education, Taiwan. 9/2019.
Outstanding Award in the Grand Review and Competition for PhD Student
and Postdoctoral Fellow
National Cheng-Kung University. 11/2022.
Best paper award - Paper “Generating wire sculpture art from 3D model”
Computer Graphics Workshop, Ministry of Science and Technology, Taiwan. 7/2022.
Best paper award - Paper "Structure-aware video style transfer with map art"
Computer Graphics Workshop, Ministry of Science and Technology, Taiwan. 7/2023.
Award for outstanding academic performance scholarship
Atelier Future, Bank Sinopac, Taiwan. 1/2023.
Win 4 times the scholarship for outstanding international students
Office of International Affair, National Cheng-Kung University.
Honorary member of the Society National Cheng Kung University
Phi Tau Phi Scholastic Honor Society of Taiwan. 5/2023.
Healthy Mind Dwells in a Healthy Body - Durgesh Agarwal
Yes, I play these sport games.
Email: Office: Room 65701, CSIE Building, No.01 University Road, East District, Tainan City, Taiwan Phone: +886909105369 What else ... Google scholar